Doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff have been working around the clock for the past few months during the COVID-19 pandemic making sure they get their patients back on their feet.

Shining light on National Hospital Week, on Wednesday, May 14th, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos released a video of an interview with Ginger El Brichi, a charge nurse serving in the COVID-19 unit at SwedishAmerican Health System in Rockford.

In the interview, El Brichi says, “There isn’t a day that goes by that all of us don’t cry…the worst is that families can’t be here. To my community, this is not fake. Please wear a mask, stay home if you can, wash your hands…because we all have to do this as a community.”

El Brichi has served as a critical care nurse for the last 39 years. She has described her day-to-day workload to treat COVID-19 patients and shared how health care professionals are taking care of the individuals and the impact it has had on herself, the patients, her colleagues, family members, and our community-at-large.

Scroll down to watch the whole video: