Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

A Pat on the e-Back: The Game Awards Festival is coming up and it will stream on line through 45 different platforms including GeForce, Xbox and Steam. The festival happens today and will salute 2020’s gaming and e-sports best. Not only that but 12 to 15 never before seen games will be revealed during the event. Source. 

More PS5 Scalpers: Last week we told you about a retailer named Very who was cracking down on Playstation 5 scalpers, well now more retailers are jumping on board to battle the price gouging jerks. There’s a company in South Korea called Gamewoori who is straight cancelling ANY order they feel could be from a scalper. They’re even asking people to turn in their friends if they know they bought a system with the intent on selling. Source. 

Yippee-Ki-Yay Charlize: And finally on twitter someone suggested that Die Hard be remade, but with a lesbian lead character trying to save her wife from terrorists. Charlize Theron saw the tweet and personally responded with “Where do I sign?” … Now, as talented as Charlize Theron is, aren’t there any original projects she could do? There’s bound to be a pile of screenplays that are better than that sitting on some executive’s desk, so do we really need to remake ANY movie?  Just a thought. Source.