RAMP is partnering with the Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation, TCMF, to provide a variety of educational programming, alternative therapies, Technical and Accessibility Assessments, and Disability Awareness Training in Winnebago County with funding from the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board. RAMP will assist by providing the following:

Educational Programs: TCMF provides the following educational programs. RAMP will partner with TCMF to promote these programs to RAMP consumers, families, community partners, and the community at large.

End Silence & Stigma: 45-minute program designed for junior and high school audiences. This program gives students an opportunity to learn about symptoms and indicators of mental illness and ideas about how to help themselves, friends, or family members who may need support. What Parents need to know about Teen Mental Health: 45-minute program devoted to giving parents an opportunity to learn symptoms and indicators of mental illness, suicide warning signs, and symptoms, and are given ideas about how to help their children who may need support.

Building Self-Awareness: 45-minute program designed for middle school girls to gain self-discovery. It is all about understanding different facets of yourself – how you think, what you feel, how you react to a situation, how you trust your creativity, intuition, and inner guidance. Girls learn how to become more aware of self and develop positive and encouraging ways to handle the stresses and difficulties of life.

Finding Purpose in the Pain: This powerful testimonial shares the journey of a mother’s grief through losing her son to suicide while finding purpose in the pain. Journey through the five ways your deepest pain can become your greatest purpose.

Alternative Therapies: TCMF and RAMP will also partner to provide Alternative Therapy which are self-care options including Yoga, meditation, art therapy, trauma/grief therapy, etc.

Technical and Accessibility Assessments/Disability Awareness Training – Assessments and training for businesses who are concerned about their compliance with the ADA or who wish to improve the accessibility of their business for their employees or customers. RAMP staff are available to conduct an onsite Accessibility Assessment and suggest modification in written form, if desired, based on the Illinois Accessibility Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. RAMP also conducts Disability Awareness Trainings. Providing total access to the entire community is not only the law, it is also good business.