John Groh, president and CEO of the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, joins Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to talk about the ways the city is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the debut of "A League of Their Own" and the new Amazon Prime series.

You can get free tickets to an early showing of the new series, which will play at 8 p.m Saturday, July 2 at the Coronado Performing Arts Center. The screening is preceded by a street fair starting at 6 p.m.

Groh said about 300 tickets were reserved in a two-hour span Wednesday after the tickets became available at 3 p.m.

"I think Rockford is going to be put in a really good light," Groh told Summers. "I just think it's so cool that we get to have this premier before anybody else in the country."

Listen to the whole episode below.


Laura Gibbs Green, communications manager for the Rockford Park District, joins Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to talk about the upcoming Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition Jan. 26-29.

There will be 11 teams competing this year, as well as 11 teams in the high school division.

Last year, roughly 59,000 people drove through Sinnissippi Park to see the sculptures last year, Gibbs Green said.

"When you start to see those snow blocks form at Sinnissippi Park, it's like big wood blocks of snow, basically, then you know that things are looking pretty good," Gibbs Green said.

Listen to the full interview below.



Heidi Ognibene of the Rock River Valley Blood Center discusses how the recent Polar Vortex has played havoc with the blood supply in the Stateline area. She outlines the need, the requirements to donate, and shares that RRVBC was asked to donate blood to Texas due to the recent winter storms.

Runtime:  6 minutes


Mayor Tom McNamara joins Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to talk about Juneteenth, Food Truck Tuesdays, fundraising for Camp Grant and more.
