By Chelsea Meyer
Rock River Current
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ROCKFORD — The babies at UW Health SwedishAmerican Hospital NICU are getting ready for Halloween by dressing up in some adorable, tiny costumes.

Some of the tiniest babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were dressed up as ladybugs, turtles and giraffes for their very first Halloween.

Babies in the NICU may have been born too soon or too small, or have been born with a medical condition that requires intensive care. The staff at UW Health SwedishAmerican wanted them to be able to celebrate this first Halloween in costume.

Happy first Halloween to all of the future little trick-or-treaters in the NICU, including Walter the puppy dog, Sophia the giraffe, twins Mateo the cow, and Rosa the horse, and twins Ileana the ladybug and Arnold the turtle.


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